Our Vision!
We aspire to work for the satisfaction of Almighty Allah by creating an exploitation free society through educating a serving deprived people of society under the guidance of Islamic norms and principles.
AAKF Programs
AAKF is government-registered social welfare and humanitarian organization in Chittagong, Bangladesh. We work to on issues like Education, Health care, Disaster management and seasonal charity program.
Upcoming Events
Our upcoming program includes preparation activities for Ramadan and qurban projects, Strengthening our Hospital facility, enhancing effectiveness of our education projects. Besides, we’ll continue regular charity programs. Our programs for Rohingya refugees are ongoing.

Sponsor a child!
We believe that Change has to be started from our heart. So, if you want to see the society changed, You have to act and Change the scenario. Join hands with AAKF to be the part of this movement.
Serving & Educating Deprived Community
The Allama Abul Khair Foundation (AAKF) is government-registered social welfare and humanitarian organization in Chittagong, Bangladesh. The foundation was founded in the name of a great personality of Chittagong, Allama Abul Khair, who was a man of knowledge and charity.